6 Questions to Ask an Ecommerce Agency Before You Hire Them

6 Questions to Ask an Ecommerce Agency Before You Hire Them

In today’s modern business world, having an online presence for your business can never be overemphasized. According to statistics from Statista, about 82% of the UK population (55.2 million Brits) made an online purchase in 2022. Essentially, an ecommerce agency has the diligence, expertise, and resources to help position your online business for long-term success. This is why your choice of an ecommerce agency matters a lot.

Furthermore, an ecommerce agency oversees all aspects of your ecommerce business. From setting up the website to integrations and customizations, search engine optimization (SEO), content and email marketing, and everything in between. Thus, you’ll agree that the ecommerce agency remains your partner in progress, and who you hire can easily make or break your online business.

However, how do you choose the right ecommerce agency given the vast pool of options out there? As a reputable ecommerce website design and digital marketing company with over two decades of extensive experience, we’re here to help you make informed decisions when choosing an ecommerce agency. Read on to discover some of the most important questions to ask an ecommerce agency before hiring them:


What Platforms Do You Specialize In?

Most people would already have a platform in mind before scouting for an ecommerce development agency to partner with, whether it’s Shopify, Wix, Magento, WooCommerce, or any of the numerous available options. Naturally, you’ll want an agency with proven competence in your platform of choice. Also, if you’re yet to decide, you’ll want to speak to industry experts who can provide all you need to make an informed decision.

Furthermore, be sure to compare the answer you get with the number of developers on their payroll. For example, if an agency with just a handful of developers claims to be equally competent on all platforms, they’re likely jacks of all trades and may not provide the excellent service you desire.


Can You Share Some Projects You’ve Worked On?

Any agency you’re considering should be proud to showcase its portfolio. When requesting previous projects, pay extra attention to the businesses they’ve worked with in your industry so you can better appreciate their style and capabilities. Moreover, an agency with ample experience in your industry is more likely to be aware of the specific customizations and integrations you need to run a successful ecommerce business.


How Do You Measure Your Effectiveness As A Company?

Many ecommerce agencies love to boast about the number of big brands they’ve worked with or how many projects they’ve worked on. While these may be enough to make them worthy of an interview, you should look deeper into the stats before choosing to work with them.

Additionally, seek to know how much ROI they’ve generated for their business partners and how their solutions have positively impacted conversion, average order value, repeat purchase rates, and other related metrics. Importantly, look out for reviews on independent forums to get the truth about what their customers think of them.


How Do You Approach Ecommerce Website Design To Maximize Conversion?

Optimizing your ecommerce website for search engines is crucial to the success of your business, and it all starts at the web design stage. You should ask your prospective partners about search engine optimization strategies like site structure, product page optimization, mobile-friendliness, keyword research, etc.

Beyond search engine optimization, design strategies like streamlining the checkout process and implementing persuasive calls-to-action also go a long way optimizing user experience. Ask the agency what they think about these and how they plan to incorporate these elements on your website.


What Integration Features Do You Recommend For My Website?

Effective ecommerce websites typically come with a wide variety of integrations, such as inventory management systems, payment gateways, SMS/email marketing platforms, etc. You’ll want to seek their advice on the features that are crucial to your niche and how they plan to implement them. Their response would also provide additional insights into their knowledge of your niche.


Do You Offer Post-Launch Support?

There are several tales of ecommerce businesses whose designers go missing after the website launch. And believe me when I say you never want to be in those shoes. Ask if the agency has a dedicated support team and how much post-launch support they’re willing to provide.

However, be wary of companies with no distinction between their development and support teams. Too often, they may get swamped with new projects and start paying less attention to existing clients who need support services.


Working with a reputable ecommerce agency is crucial to establish a solid foundation for your online business. With the insightful questions and tips above, you can make informed decisions when hiring an ecommerce agency for your online business.


Ecommerce Agency

An eCommerce agency is a specialized company or organization that offers a range of services to businesses looking to establish, optimize, or expand their online presence and sales through eCommerce platforms. These agencies provide expertise in various aspects of online retail, digital marketing, technology, design, and strategy.

Here are some of the services typically offered by an eCommerce agency:

  1. Website Development and Design: Creating and designing eCommerce websites that are user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for conversions. This includes responsive design, navigation, product display, and checkout processes.
  2. Platform Selection and Setup: Recommending and setting up the appropriate eCommerce platform (such as Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, etc.) based on the client’s needs and goals.
  3. Product Management: Assisting with product catalog setup, including product descriptions, images, categorization, and inventory management.
  4. Digital Marketing: Developing and implementing online marketing strategies, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content creation.
  5. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Analyzing user behavior and making strategic changes to the website to increase conversion rates and overall sales.
  6. User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design: Enhancing the overall user experience of the website, focusing on factors such as intuitive navigation, fast load times, and easy checkout processes.
  7. Mobile Optimization: Ensuring the eCommerce website is fully optimized for mobile devices, given the increasing trend of mobile shopping.
  8. Analytics and Reporting: Implementing tracking tools and analyzing data to provide insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and areas for improvement.
  9. Payment Gateway Integration: Setting up secure and efficient payment processing systems to facilitate online transactions.
  10. Security and Compliance: Ensuring the website complies with industry regulations and best practices for data security and customer privacy.
  11. Customer Support Integration: Integrating customer support solutions, live chat, and helpdesk systems to provide a seamless customer experience.
  12. Marketplace Integration: Assisting businesses in expanding their reach by integrating their online store with popular online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart.
  13. Internationalization: Helping businesses expand into international markets by providing support for multiple languages, currencies, and shipping options.
  14. Maintenance and Support: Providing ongoing maintenance, updates, and technical support to keep the eCommerce platform running smoothly.
  15. Strategic Consulting: Offering guidance and expertise in eCommerce strategy, market analysis, and long-term growth planning.

When selecting an eCommerce agency, it’s important to consider their experience, track record, expertise in your industry, and the specific services they offer. The agency should align with your business goals and be capable of providing a comprehensive solution to enhance your online retail operations.

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Author: Mohammed A Bazzoun

If you have any more specific questions, feel free to ask in comments.


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