Poverty As a Great Threat to the World Peace and Economy

Poverty As a Great Threat to the World Peace and Economy

Poverty is a great threat for society and the system of the world. In such state, laws seem to be minor, and they are easily violated. Our society is mostly exploited by starvation, penury, danger and several other problems. They all get birth from poverty because it is a mother of all evils. It means that a person, who comes under the meanest suffering of the poverty, can take any action to meet the needs.

Now, we discuss the causes of poverty. Its main causes are over -population, unemployment, illiteracy, poor industrial facilities and economic resources. Keeping the above causes of poverty in view, one can easily distinguish between the developed and the developing countries. The developed countries are prosperous with natural resources and industries.

Despite such prosperity, they don’t stop exploring the new resources for becoming stronger in the field of the developed countries. It is useless to say that there is no poverty. Poverty is every where, and in the developed countries, it is found little. Its cause is the honest attention of such countries to their people, and that’s why suffering is less.

The developing countries are taking efforts to explore the natural resources and to increase industries for making themselves prosperous, but they are badly affected by the cruelty of starvation and poverty. It happens due to bad politics. It does nothing but creates problems which enfeeble the economy of the country and welcome famine. If famine comes, the economy of country falls and gets several years for restoration. Peace is changed into violence, and the ground favours the powerful persons.

The other cause of poverty is terrorism. It is more dangerous and its mother is poverty. The country accepts the politicians as the pillar but they are not. I think it is the lack of wisdom or education. Such problems mostly take birth in the developing countries because the aristocratic class, the middle class and the politics give importance to their needs. Besides, they keep all resources in their control. Their actions critically inflict the nation and in result, the poverty compels them to violate the rules and regulations.

None wishes to become the part of terrorism, but it is starvation that eliminates all their valuable thoughts and controls their minds. A person who undergoes hardships and incessant suffering of life, he becomes anguished and tired of it. In result, he commits crimes which destroy the peace of society. Theft, robbery, kidnapping and murder are the root causes of terrorism. Our newspapers are over- loaded with such items, and electronic media are also alert for broadcasting such items of news several times in a day.

The critical Poverty makes a person blind and mad. It is fact that a hungry man is always angry. He gives priority to money, and for its sake, he is ready to cross human being’s limits and explodes bombs in buses or in the busy spots of the country. Nowadays, this factor is very common, and it is a pure element of terrorism.

He is used by the others for the sake of money, but the actual terrorists are those who hire such needy persons. It means that those who heap wealth and use them for negative and inhuman purposes, they are actual terrorist. They use the suffered and hungry people for their personal benefits. This factor is most common in developing countries.

The history is full of various examples of terrorism which are the result of bad poverty. So Peace seems to be impossible because there is no solution of starvation, even in the developed countries. When the developed countries come under the mania of it, they become blind and deaf and impose false charges on the weak or under developed countries.

In result, they make war and rob them of their resources. One can find so many examples which are evident that they don’t give importance to mankind but to natural resources. They should not play such inhuman role. Such actions increase poverty and starvation, and in result, their safety will be at stake.

Poverty is also a great threat to the economy of the world. If we imagine a person whose earning is small, he can not meet his basic needs. It is impossible because eighty percent of population comes below the poverty line. All resources and economic institutes are handled by twenty percent of people. One can scan that a thirsty, hungry and homeless person can not let others live luxuriously and happily.

All is happened due to mismanagement and wrong distribution of economic resources and inadequate facilities. Calvin Coolidge says that economy is always a guarantee of peace.

If we want to make our countries prosperous and developed in all fields, first of all these problems should be solved at any cast. In this way, we can defeat poverty, control terrorism and introduce a peaceful environment.



Poverty is a condition characterized by a lack of resources or means necessary for basic survival and well-being. It is often associated with a low income, inadequate access to education, healthcare, and other essential services, as well as a lack of opportunities for economic and social advancement.

Poverty can manifest in various forms, including absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute poverty refers to the inability to meet the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and clean water. Relative poverty, on the other hand, is a measure of poverty relative to the overall living standards of a particular society.

There are multiple factors that contribute to poverty, including systemic issues such as social inequality, limited access to education and healthcare, lack of job opportunities, discrimination, and political instability. Poverty can be both a cause and a consequence of other social problems, including poor health, crime, and social unrest.

Efforts to address poverty are typically focused on alleviating its root causes and providing support to individuals and communities in need. These efforts can include social welfare programs, education and job training initiatives, access to microfinance and credit, healthcare interventions, and policies that promote economic growth and equal opportunities.

International organizations, governments, non-profit organizations, and individuals all play a role in combating poverty. The United Nations, for example, has set Sustainable Development Goal 1, which aims to end poverty in all its forms by 2030. This goal includes targets such as eradicating extreme poverty, implementing social protection systems, and ensuring equal rights and access to resources for all.

While progress has been made in reducing global poverty over the years, it remains a significant challenge in many parts of the world. Ongoing efforts are necessary to address the complex and multifaceted nature of poverty and create a more equitable and inclusive society.


World Peace

World peace is a term that refers to a state of international harmony, characterized by the absence of conflict, violence, and war among nations. It represents a global aspiration for a world in which all individuals, communities, and nations coexist peacefully, respecting each other’s rights, and working together for the betterment of humanity.

Achieving world peace is a complex and challenging task that requires the collective efforts of governments, organizations, and individuals across the globe. Here are some key factors and approaches that can contribute to the promotion of peace:

  1. Diplomacy and Negotiation: Diplomatic efforts and negotiations play a vital role in resolving disputes and preventing conflicts. Diplomatic channels, such as international organizations like the United Nations, facilitate dialogue, mediation, and peaceful resolutions to conflicts.
  2. International Cooperation: Encouraging collaboration and cooperation among nations promotes understanding, trust, and peaceful relations. This can be fostered through various means, including trade agreements, cultural exchanges, and joint initiatives on common global challenges.
  3. Disarmament and Non-Proliferation: Reducing and eliminating weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, can significantly contribute to a more peaceful world. Arms control agreements and treaties, coupled with verification mechanisms, are crucial for fostering trust and preventing the escalation of conflicts.
  4. Respect for Human Rights: Upholding and protecting human rights is fundamental to fostering peace. Governments and societies should promote equality, justice, and inclusivity, respecting the rights and dignity of every individual.
  5. Education and Awareness: Promoting education, tolerance, and understanding among diverse cultures and societies helps counter prejudices, stereotypes, and extremism. Education for peace, conflict resolution, and human rights can foster empathy and cooperation from an early age.
  6. Economic Development: Addressing poverty, inequality, and social injustices through sustainable economic development can contribute to peace. Creating opportunities, reducing disparities, and ensuring basic needs are met can help mitigate the underlying causes of conflicts.
  7. Environmental Sustainability: Protecting the environment and addressing climate change are increasingly recognized as essential components of peacebuilding. Environmental degradation can lead to resource scarcity, competition, and conflicts, while sustainable practices foster cooperation and stability.
  8. Empowering Women: Promoting gender equality and women’s participation in decision-making processes has been shown to have a positive impact on peace and security. Including women in peace negotiations and conflict resolution efforts brings diverse perspectives and contributes to more sustainable outcomes.

It is important to recognize that achieving world peace is an ongoing and long-term endeavor. It requires commitment, collaboration, and a shared vision for a better future. While complete eradication of all conflicts may be challenging, continuous efforts towards peaceful coexistence can bring about significant improvements and create a more harmonious world for future generations.



The term “economy” refers to the system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a particular region or country. It encompasses various factors, such as the production of goods and services, the allocation of resources, employment levels, income distribution, and overall financial conditions.

Economies can be classified into different types, including market economies, command economies, mixed economies, and traditional economies, each with its own characteristics and mechanisms of operation.

Key elements of an economy include:

  1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): GDP is a measure of the total value of goods and services produced within a country during a specific period. It is commonly used as an indicator of a country’s economic performance.
  2. Employment and Unemployment: The level of employment and unemployment is crucial in determining the health of an economy. Low unemployment rates indicate a robust labor market and potentially higher consumer spending.
  3. Inflation: Inflation refers to the increase in the general price level of goods and services over time. Moderate inflation is generally considered beneficial for economic growth, while high inflation can erode purchasing power and create economic instability.
  4. Fiscal and Monetary Policy: Governments use fiscal policy (taxation and government spending) and monetary policy (interest rates, money supply) to manage the overall health of the economy, stabilize prices, and promote growth.
  5. Trade and International Relations: Global trade plays a significant role in the economy of many countries, influencing factors such as exports, imports, balance of trade, and foreign exchange rates. International relations and trade agreements can impact economic growth and stability.
  6. Income Distribution: The distribution of income within an economy can impact social equality and economic stability. Disparities in income distribution can affect consumer spending patterns and social cohesion.
  7. Business Cycles: Economies go through cycles of expansion (increased economic activity), contraction (reduced economic activity), and recession (a significant decline in economic activity). Understanding and managing these cycles is crucial for economic policymakers.
  8. Economic Indicators: Various indicators, such as consumer confidence, business investment, housing market activity, and stock market performance, provide insights into the overall state of an economy and its future prospects.

It’s important to note that economic conditions can vary significantly across countries and regions, and the performance of an economy is influenced by numerous factors, including government policies, technological advancements, natural resources, demographics, and global economic trends.

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Author: Mohammed A Bazzoun

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