Debt Is Economic Slavery

Debt Is Economic Slavery

To be in debt and unable to find a way out is a recipe for panic and the disaster that drives victims to do crazy things. With unpaid bills, threats of legal proceedings and even loss of one’s home, and so on, the scene is set for disaster. It’s a severe crisis and ridding of the chains that dragged one into the mess is as complicated and difficult as almost anything faced in life.

This condition of modern life is slavery to a system designed to inflict through fear. The latter emotion drives panic and other things such as anti-social behaviour and criminality.

Common sense and logic are hard to find when the brain is focused on consequences of debt. Experts are usually required to solve the problem but they are hard to find and usually out-of-reach for the debtor. They do not exist in governments or religion because there are few if any who genuinely know the solution to such problems.

Greed, under-payment for work, addictions, and gambling problems are all part of the mix. Add to it the break-down of relationships, medical and other expenses, as well as family problems and the like all add up to debt that cannot be met.

Both society and the establishment work towards creating the situation and one has to take a look at the big picture to discover how and why it is so.

My memory of reincarnation and strong link to the Spirit of the Universe has provided insight into such situations. Everything is part of a grand plan to bring the world as we know it to an end. The bible tells us that everyone who has lived is back in bodies at this time and they ae judged according to their spirituality.

This explanation will be over the heads of many readers who cannot come to grips with the fact that they are being spiritually killed by the fiction they believe in. All debt is fiction just as religion and the false gods it promotes. Money is one of those fake idols.

When the Spirit took me away from the world in the sense that my need for money faded away It also provided answers that are impossible to find otherwise. It took me to the beginning of religious systems and how man’s passion for make-believe led to the establishment that drives debt.

Fear and loss of common sense is at the heart of driving people into believing in the false gods that are now killing thousands daily. Brain-washing from birth impacts the brain and denies spiritual food that would otherwise lead one out of debt and into a form of recovery that is impossible to find otherwise. Economic slavery is the make-believe that creates power and control of the masses and debt is the trap to keep them in line.


Debt Is Economic Slavery: Unveiling the Burdens and Consequences


In modern society, debt has become an integral part of the economic system, with individuals, businesses, and even nations relying on borrowing to meet their financial needs. However, this article argues that debt, when unchecked and burdensome, can lead to a form of economic slavery. By examining the implications, consequences, and alternative perspectives, we can shed light on the profound impact of debt on individuals and societies.

Understanding Economic Slavery: Economic slavery refers to a condition in which individuals or entities are trapped in a cycle of debt and financial dependency, limiting their freedom and opportunities for progress. Similar to traditional slavery, economic slavery can restrict autonomy, perpetuate inequality, and create a sense of perpetual servitude.

The Burdens of Debt:

  1. Financial Strain: Heavy debt burdens can lead to a constant struggle to make ends meet, as a significant portion of income is allocated towards debt repayment, leaving little room for savings, investments, or improving one’s quality of life.
  2. Limited Choices and Opportunities: Debt can limit individuals’ choices, forcing them to prioritize immediate financial obligations over long-term goals and aspirations. This can hinder career advancement, educational pursuits, entrepreneurship, and overall personal development.
  3. Psychological Impact: The stress and anxiety associated with overwhelming debt can have detrimental effects on mental health, leading to increased rates of depression, anxiety disorders, and other psychological issues.
  4. Inter-generational Impact: Persistent debt can perpetuate cycles of poverty, as individuals burdened with debt struggle to provide adequate resources and opportunities for future generations. It creates an inherited burden that can stifle upward mobility and social progress.

Consequences of Debt on Society:

  1. Widening Wealth Gap: Excessive debt can contribute to wealth inequality, as those with greater financial resources can leverage debt more effectively for wealth creation, while the less privileged face higher interest rates and limited access to credit.
  2. Systemic Vulnerability: High levels of debt at the national or systemic level can destabilize economies, leading to financial crises and recessions. This was evident in the 2008 global financial crisis, where the collapse of debt-fueled housing markets had severe repercussions worldwide.
  3. Social Fragmentation: Economic slavery perpetuated by debt can lead to social divisions, resentment, and unrest. It can create a sense of injustice, as the burden of debt disproportionately affects certain segments of society, exacerbating societal tensions.

Rethinking Debt:

While debt can be a useful tool for economic growth and investment, it is essential to promote responsible borrowing and financial literacy to mitigate the risks of economic slavery. Alternative perspectives include:

  1. Emphasizing Financial Education: Educating individuals from an early age about the consequences of debt and equipping them with essential financial skills can empower them to make informed decisions and manage their finances wisely.
  2. Promoting Fair and Equitable Lending Practices: Governments and financial institutions should ensure transparency, fairness, and responsible lending standards to protect borrowers from predatory practices and discourage excessive debt burdens.
  3. Encouraging Sustainable Economic Systems: Emphasizing sustainable economic models that prioritize inclusive growth, social safety nets, and responsible fiscal policies can reduce reliance on debt and create more resilient and equitable societies.


Debt, when burdensome and unchecked, can lead to a form of economic slavery, restricting individuals’ freedom and perpetuating societal inequality. Recognizing the burdens and consequences of debt is crucial for promoting responsible borrowing practices, advocating for financial education, and fostering economic systems that prioritize sustainable growth and social well-being.

Only through a comprehensive approach can we strive to break free from the shackles of economic slavery and create a more equitable and prosperous future.


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