Structural Unemployment’s Effects on the Economic Recovery

Structural Unemployment’s Effects on the Economic Recovery

We hear the term unemployment all the time, underemployment less, and structural unemployment still less. But it is structural unemployment that could create a drag on job growth as the economy improves, increasing the odds of what is often referred to a jobless recovery.

In the broadest terms, a jobless recovery generally occurs when gross domestic product (GDP) starts growing as the economy recovers, but job growth lags behind. In recent months, the economy has enjoyed very strong growth in productivity which helps boost GDP.

Productivity growth generally stems from two things – improvements in technology and people working harder. We know that new technologies have had a dramatic effect on productivity increases since the end of the last recession. But is also appears that a lot of the increase has come from people working harder. As the recession worsened, many companies made significant reductions in their workforces, reorganized workers and cut costs.

But even though the economy is now beginning to improve, it is not strong enough yet to convince employers to start hiring aggressively, and it has become apparent that in many large corporations workers who still have their jobs are working harder and longer hours to keep up with growing demand.

One reason that structural unemployment may play a bigger role in this recovery than in recoveries from recent recessions is because certain aspects of the economy have undergone significant changes since the end of the last recession in 2001.

Technology has made a quantum leap and has enabled companies to produce more with the same or less employees. Some industries, automotive manufacturing being a classic example, have shrunk dramatically, and many of those jobs will never come back. For the foreseeable future, the same is true of the construction industry.

Another contributor to a more significant role for structural unemployment in this recovery is that because the recession has been so severe, and because there still remain some significant obstacles to a strong recovery, a lot of companies are being very cautious about bringing back laid-off workers.

In many cases they are using part-time workers who would prefer to be full-time, but who can also be laid off very quickly if demand changes. The longer workers remain unemployed, the more their skills may begin to diminish, thus making it harder to work their way back into the labor force. This is one of the major causes for structural unemployment.

Also contributing to structural unemployment is that often when jobs disappear in one part of the country, they often reappear or new ones become available in another part of the country. Historically worker mobility has always mitigated against the severity of job losses in one part of the country because people could pick up and move to where the new jobs were.

Not so this time. The housing crisis has millions of people stuck in their homes that are now worth considerably less than what they paid for them and even perhaps, less than their mortgages. So they choose not to or are unable to sell their houses to move to another part of the country where jobs are more plentiful.

In a June 3rd speech in Atlanta Dennis Lockhart, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, concluded that the pace of hiring as we come out of the recession is likely to be gradual (italics mine). He said that there is still a great deal of uncertainty about the future business environment, government fiscal policies, and even the financial problems in Europe.

All of this is real, and all of this is telling small businesses to continue to run as conservatively as possible until the future course of the economy becomes clearer. A high rate of structural unemployment in the labor force stretches out the time that it takes to get back to some semblance of full employment, which means continued barriers to increased consumer spending.


Structural Unemployment’s Effects on the Economic Recovery: A Challenge for Sustainable Growth


Structural unemployment, a form of joblessness resulting from fundamental changes in an economy’s structure, poses significant challenges to the process of economic recovery. This article explores the effects of structural unemployment on the overall recovery efforts and highlights the importance of addressing this issue for sustainable economic growth.

Understanding Structural Unemployment: Structural unemployment occurs when there is a mismatch between the skills and qualifications of available workers and the requirements of available job opportunities. It is often caused by technological advancements, shifts in consumer demand, globalization, or changes in industry structure.

The Effects of Structural Unemployment on Economic Recovery:

  1. Prolonged Unemployment: Structural unemployment tends to be long-lasting and persistent, as the skills and expertise of unemployed workers may not align with the emerging job opportunities. This results in a higher unemployment rate, leading to diminished consumer spending power and reduced economic activity.
  2. Decreased Labor Force Participation: The mismatch between job requirements and workers’ skills can discourage individuals from actively seeking employment, leading to a decline in labor force participation. This reduces the overall productive capacity of the economy and hampers the pace of recovery.
  3. Wage Stagnation and Income Inequality: Structural unemployment can contribute to wage stagnation, as job seekers with outdated skills may have limited bargaining power, leading to lower wages. This exacerbates income inequality and can hinder consumer spending, which is crucial for economic recovery.
  4. Impaired Economic Mobility: Workers displaced by structural unemployment often face challenges in transitioning to new industries or occupations, limiting their ability to adapt and acquire new skills. This hampers upward economic mobility and can perpetuate income disparities over the long term.

Addressing Structural Unemployment for Sustainable Growth:

  1. Retraining and Upskilling: Governments and educational institutions should prioritize retraining and upskilling programs to help unemployed workers acquire the skills needed for emerging job opportunities. This includes partnerships with industries to align training with evolving market demands.
  2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Support: Encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation can create new job opportunities and help mitigate the effects of structural unemployment. Providing resources, mentoring, and access to capital can foster the growth of new businesses and industries.
  3. Labor Market Flexibility: Policies that promote labor market flexibility, such as reducing barriers to entry, promoting job mobility, and encouraging flexible work arrangements, can help facilitate the reallocation of labor resources to sectors with higher growth potential.
  4. Targeted Social Safety Nets: Robust social safety nets, including unemployment benefits, job search assistance, and income support, can provide a temporary cushion for workers affected by structural unemployment, allowing them time to acquire new skills or transition to new industries.
  5. Collaboration between Stakeholders: Governments, businesses, educational institutions, and labor organizations need to collaborate closely to identify emerging skills requirements, align educational curricula with industry needs, and create a conducive environment for economic restructuring.


Addressing structural unemployment is essential for achieving sustainable economic recovery and inclusive growth. By recognizing the challenges posed by technological advancements and economic transformations, policymakers and stakeholders can implement strategies that retool the workforce, foster innovation, and promote labor market flexibility. By doing so, societies can navigate the complexities of structural unemployment and pave the way for a resilient and prosperous future.



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